The Ways Baby Boomers Are Changing the Face of Senior Care

When Baby Boomers speak, their voices are heard loud and clear thanks to their sheer numbers and the influence they still hold over society. And these days, individuals from this special generation are talking more and more about how they think their senior years ought to be spent.
It’s no surprise to learn that the Baby Boomer generation has some different ideas about senior care than the generations that came before.
Let’s take a look at three of the big ways in which Baby Boomers are changing the senior care industry.
Greater Numbers and Longer Lives
The Baby Boomer generation counts about 80 million people as its members, and about 8,000 of them are reaching retirement age every day. The senior care systems that have been in place for decades are simply not designed to meet the needs of so many people retiring at the same time. This puts a great strain on existing modes of care, such as skilled nursing facilities and other types of support services.
Baby Boomers are also living longer lives than those of previous generations: people born at the tail end of the Baby Boom generation (1964) are expected to live about six years longer than those who were born in the earlier parts of the 1900’s. Advances in technology, fitness and medicine are increasing longevity. Baby Boomers want to take advantage of it, making previous senior care institutions somewhat obsolete.
A Greater Desire for Freedom
The Baby Boomers made a name for themselves by questioning previously held standards of how life should be lived. Over the years, they have established new ways of thinking in our world, and they are taking that sense of change and improvement into their retirement years, as well.
Baby Boomers just don’t see themselves the same way that previous generations have when reaching retirement age. They have little interest in sedentary retirement. Many have recollections of the limited options their parents had years ago, and they prefer to stay at home for as long as possible, where they can feel free to live their lives as they see fit.
Providing In-Home Senior Care for Baby Boomers
Senior care franchise owners are leading the way when it comes to providing the types of care that Baby Boomers want. As a senior care franchise owner, you can operate a business that is designed to offer the balance modern seniors seek between a life of freedom but with a level of care that ensures continued health and safety. If you are wondering how you can accommodate the needs of the aging population in your community and are ready to go into business for yourself, senior care franchise ownership could be the perfect solution!
Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.